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       Grumplin Records

Janet T Christ is a multi-billionaire recluse, who lives suspended in a bubble of oil within the Earth's Van Allen radiation belt. In order to have her music performed in unsterile conditions, she has reared two giant golden hamsters, Stephen and Simon, who, via stunning sleight of hand, are able to appear live on her behalf. Neither hamster is able to bite due to a powerful electrode being inserted into there spinal columns, therefore it is perfectly safe to watch them perform or to take tea with them. However, never, ever wave a pink or green handkerchief or tissue within a 4 meter radius of them, as this can cause extreme distress. Apart from that, they are entirely normal. For hamsters

Janet T Christ

Simon - nervously contemplates performing

The album "Janet unleashed" is available from the Grumplin store


The Ballad of John Grady Cole

Michael is a Bird


In the Diary

Shake the Storm

Black Fortune (Death of the Bakers Wife)

The Reptile Song

Tall Dream

Two hats and the Preacher





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